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Category: Cat Care

A Guide to Caring for Your Aging Cat

As our feline friends grow older, they bring new joys and challenges into our lives. Watching a beloved cat enter their senior years can be an emotional journey, but it’s...

Should cats sleep in your bed?

As cat owners, we’ve all been there. You’re ready to crawl into bed after a long day, only to find your feline friend has already claimed prime real estate on...

Kidney Disease in Cats: When to Euthanize

Explore compassionate insights on when to euthanize a cat with stage 4 kidney disease. Understand the symptoms, care, and decision-making process for your beloved pet’s peaceful journey. Deciding when to...

Why Is My Cat Drinking So Much Water?

Understanding Your Cat’s Water Intake: A Comprehensive Guide from a Long-Time Cat Owner Hi there! As a long-time cat owner, I’ve seen my fair share of kitties with all sorts...